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Turkey to become Türkiye on Europa websites

Turkey to become Türkiye on Europa websites

date:  14/10/2022

Last week the Council agreed on the use of Turkey's new official name in English (EN).

From now on:

  • ‘Turkey’ is replaced by ‘Türkiye’
  • ‘Republic of Turkey’ is replaced by ‘Republic of Türkiye’

The amendment took effect on 7 October 2022 and is officially noted in the inter-institutional style guide annex A5. The Council Secretariat also made clear that this is an administrative change that is limited to the nomenclature used in EU documents and does not have a retroactive effect nor does it entail legal consequences.

Nevertheless, DG COMM is recommending that this change be reflected on Europa websites.

Therefore DGs are requested to:

  • review their websites for the country name in English and update accordingly
  • review their webpages on the Commission core site in English and update accordingly

Meanwhile, COMM B.3 is:

  • working to implement the change on websites managed by our unit (including webpages owned by COMM B.3 on the Commission core site)
  • working to implement the changes in Webtools (this means the change will soon be visible on maps and other Webtools where the country name is displayed automatically)

Thank you for your cooperation.