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Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation

date:  12/04/2022

We would like to inform you that the recording and the presentation from last week’s workshop on Search Engine Optimisation are already available on the EWPP wiki.

Search Engine Optimisation workshop - Europa Web Content Management System - EC Extranet Wiki

You will also find below the replies to the questions that you raised during the workshop, as well a couple of additional clarifications.

  • To request access to the Google Search Console, you need to contact and provide us with an e-mail address that is associated with a Google account. If you don´t have one, you can create it here.
  • The location of the server doesn't impact the ranking of the websites. If a website is developed and administered following basic SEO standards, it will be properly indexed/ranked, including in multiple languages. We don’t have any agreement with Google in this respect, and there are provisions of the European Parliament that such agreements with Search Engines should be discouraged.
  • Due to privacy issues, it is not possible to save previous searches in the Search bar of your EWPP sites, and show them. Word suggestions when people type will be available in one of the future releases of the platform.
  • In case you have suggestions how to improve EWPP, you can share them with us. The next possibility to do that is on 21 April when we are going to have a Europa Forum workshop about EWPP back office improvements. We believe that you have all received the invite.