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EC core site migration: state of play and indicative planning

EC core site migration: state of play and indicative planning

date:  09/03/2022

At the Europa Forum last November, we presented the plan for migrating the Commission’s core site to the corporate web publishing platform (EWPP). We are now approaching the phase where the content on the EC core site will be automatically migrated.

We would like to inform you of a few important points about this migration:

1. Indicative timeline

Early April 2022: automated data migration of content to new sites in acceptance (EC core and new sites – list below).

April 2022: checks of migrated content in acceptance environment by content owners. Note that no site building work can be done in acceptance.

Early May 2022: final data migration in pre-production.

May - June 2022:

  • Site building: check and validation of migrated content by content owners, corrections to pages and site structure where required.
  • DG AGRI, ECFIN, FISMA, RTD will move their content from the EC core site to their own standardised sites on the EWPP.

The EC core site will go live once site building activities are finished and the 4 standardised sites are live.

2. Advanced notification of any major communication on the EC core site

We would kindly ask you to please inform of any major/politically sensitive publications planned on the EC core site in April-June 2022.

This will help us to plan, prioritise and accommodate such publications during the transition period.

We will keep you updated and will send you further information in the coming weeks (e.g. training, confirmation of page ownership, nomination of site editors, content updates and translations, etc.)

Meanwhile we invite you to regularly consult the migration project wiki page .

If you have any questions, please contact

COMM.B.3 Europa Web Communication