date: 02/03/2022
We are happy to announce that on 8 March 2022 a new version of the Europa Analytics tool will be available to all users.
The URLs to access Europa Analytics will change:
Production: https://webanalytics.europa.eu
Testing: https://webanalytics.acc.fpfis.tech.ec.europa.eu
For historical data consultation (data older than January 2021):
https://eaec.fpfis.tech.ec.europa.eu (current: https://webanalytics.ec.europa.eu)
https://eaeu.fpfis.tech.ec.europa.eu (current: https://webanalytics.europa.eu)
Please stay tuned and read more in our Wiki: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/EuropaAnalyticsWiki/Upgrade+of+Europa+Analytics+Tool
The Europa Analytics Team