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Webtools - FormTools : Deletion of data older than one year

Webtools - FormTools : Deletion of data older than one year

date:  03/02/2022

As System Owner of the FormTools and following the cyber security incident impacting the system in the beginning of the year, on 7 February 2022 we will cleanup the information older than 1 year that was submitted in the forms you created. This will significantly reduce the volume of personal data stored by the forms tool.  We will also enforce a retention policy of 12 months on the data stored by the tool meaning that data older than 12 months will be automatically deleted by the system.

We remind you that you are Data Controller for the information received using the forms you created and that we recommend regular clean up of the information already processed – this can be done as soon as you retrieved and processed the information.

In preparation of the clean-up, we have created a back-up copy of the tool. It is available here. Please note that this copy is available only if you are connected to the Commission network. It will only be available until the end of March. Therefore please make sure that you export any data you want to preserve before 31 March 2022.