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date:  19/10/2021

Europa web presence best practices is about creating efficient web communication to ensure engagement with your online audience in a safe environment

Do you speak URL? What does a URL tell us?

Being in the “” domain is a mandatory rule. It means that the website ends with

It is reassuring for the audience as it shows it is a website owned by an EU institution. For activities and politicies directly from the Commission, “ec.” identifies the Commission as an institution.

engines do not work as efficiently if the URL is not human readable. Only acronyms that are widely used can be found in URLs.

Words in the URL must be separated by a dash to make the URL more human and machine readable as well as easier to remember.

  • The Inter-institutional Online Communication Committee (IOCC)has just approved a third level domain classification the EU branded websites’ URLs: or are now in use.
  • Check out the new introduction of the Europa Web Guide, find the information you are interested in, click on the title of your choice and land on the page of the Web Guide where you learn the EC rules, tools and recommendations about this topic.