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Scheduled deployment of release 10.1

Scheduled deployment of release 10.1

date:  30/07/2021

A new version of the Europa Web Publishing Platform will be deployed on 30 August 2021.

This minor version contains highly anticipated features moved forward from Release 11, including:

  • Documents and files will now be given a permanent URL that will remain the same when the editor replaces the file. The same link can continue to work after a new version of the document has been published. 
  • The visitor can view any page on the site in any EU language, by requesting an instantaneous machine translation
  • A new version of the Landing page allowing a Teaser image to be added
  • Page headers can now be customised
  • A new major version of the ECL (v3). This includes a new styling for the “EU” branded websites, and does not affect the “EC” branded sites for now.

You can find more details in the wiki. You can already try out this new version in the Acceptance environment of your site.

During this planned upgrade, your website will be unavailable to editors and visitors for a few minutes.

After the deployment, our team will run some manual checks. If any issues are detected, we will rollback to the previous version. Please contact if you experience any issues after the deployment to Production.