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Scheduled deployment of Release 10

Scheduled deployment of Release 10

date:  18/06/2021

A new version of the Europa Web Publishing Platform will be deployed on 28 June 2021.

This release brings several new features to the platform and some important upgrades to the existing ones:

  • Europa Search widget and restricted search
  • Public media gallery
  • In page menu
  • Four different options for different image formats
  • Organisation content type v2.0   - “Organisation” pages can now be added to the Site tree and menu. Previously, Organisations were children of the Organisation Pool Page. On all sites where the Pool page for Organisations was already in use, we have converted this to a List page with the same content and configuration, and moved all existing Organisations under this List page in the Site tree. This is to make sure that the user experience and the URL aliases of these pages remain the same.

Further information about the Release 10 you can find in the dedicated wiki page.

If you are working with a live or pre-production site, it will be impacted by this planned upgrade:

  • Your website will be unavailable to editors and visitors for a few minutes.
  • After the deployment, our team will run some manual checks. If any issues are detected, we will rollback to the previous version. Please contact if you experience any issues after the deployment.