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Scheduled deployment of versions 1.68.1 (CORRIGENDUM)

Scheduled deployment of versions 1.68

date:  14/04/2020

Scheduled deployment of version 1.68.1 (CORRIGENDUM)

To better support the work of content editors on the EC core site (info site), we have started working on improvements which should increase the performance and the response time of the administration area.

We detected that an important amount of content has many revisions, which seems to impact the performance and loading time. Based on this analysis, revisions per node which are older than 6 months will be removed. In this process of removing revisions, we are conducting some preparatory work, which has had some undesired effects on the published version of certain nodes, whose content might have been reverted to a previous revision. We have detected that the issue is affecting the following DGs:

•    Agriculture and Rural Development
•    Budget
•    Communication
•    Communications Networks, Content and Technology
•    Economic and Financial Affairs
•    Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
•    Energy
•    Environment
•    European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
•    Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
•    Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
•    Health and Food Safety
•    Human Resources and Security
•    Informatics
•    Internal Audit Service
•    Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
•    Interpretation
•    Joint Research Centre
•    Justice and Consumers
•    Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
•    Research and Innovation
•    Research Executive Agency
•    Secretariat-General
•    Translation

We are preparing a release that will automatically correct the issue and revert the nodes affected (which have not been updated since the last release of 11.06.2020 18:00).

If your site has been impacted by the issue and you need to manually update the nodes earlier, let us know and we will send you instructions on how to do it.

We apologise for the inconvenience that this might have caused.

Sites affected:

There will be limited availability to the backend of the sites affected on the following days:

    INFO, POL, CWT: 17 June 2020 between 18:00 to 21:00

More details on the changes being implemented in Version 1.68.1 can be found here.

Should the schedule change, we will inform you as soon as possible.

  • The editorial backend is expected to be offline for around 10 minutes during the time frames indicated. We recommend that editors do not work on the site during these times, as they might experience issues while saving their work. If the work is unavoidable, we recommend that they save their work repeatedly, or even work offline if possible.
  • A varnish cache is foreseen to keep the frontend online for the scheduled release.
    • If you schedule to edit existing nodes or add new nodes at any time during the day of the release, please contact as soon as possible.
  • After the deployment, our team will run a check for problems. If issues arise, we will roll back the deployment to the previous version. If you detect issues following the deployment of the new version, please inform