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Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Ongoing issue - Limited access to the CMS from the internet (UPDATE)

Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Newsletter

date:  08/06/2018

Ongoing issue - Limited access to the CMS from the internet  (UPDATE)

There have been security incidents affecting some of the Commission systems. Our cyber incident response teams are currently examining the extent of the attack according to our established procedures. 

As a precautionary measure, the access from the Internet to the Europa Web publishing platform and the Drupal 7 sites will still be blocked to minimize any potential impact. DIGIT is fully aware of the difficulties that this may cause and is working hard on a workaround. It is yet not possible to give an exact timeline.  We will update you in the following days with regards the evolution of the issue and our plans to come back to normality.

Please remember that the access to the platform is still possible using VPN, either via corporate laptops or using My Remote. We take the opportunity to attach a short document (already provided by DIGIT few days ago) explaining how to use My Remote.

In case of business continuity issues due to this measure, please contact



Telework infographic
(540 KB - JPG)