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Europa Support - Corporate Web Presence - Brexit: Permanence arrangements on 31 January and ‘Brexit content disclaimer’

Brexit: Permanence arrangements on 31 January and ‘Brexit content disclaimer’

date:  03/10/2019

Brexit: Permanence arrangements on 31 January and ‘Brexit content disclaimer’


We would like to remind you that the implementation of the content updates as well as the publication of the disclaimer is the responsibility of each website owner.

Therefore, we would be grateful if you could communicate to us the contact details of your staff member(s) who will be on call ('de garde') during this weekend if you have not done it yet. Please send your reply today to

We also use this opportunity to clarify the necessary measures you must take to update the ‘Brexit content disclaimer’. DG COMM’s Europa Web Communication unit (B3) will publish a general disclaimer via a new link, ‘Brexit content disclaimer’, that will appear in the footer of these websites:


Additionally, the wording of the disclaimer will be added to the Legal Notice currently in the footer of the Commission’s web presence. DGs and services can link to the page containing the disclaimer from their own websites (attached you will find the technical instructions to update the footer of your website, in case it is needed). If this is not possible, then DGs are invited to implement the disclaimer on their own site using the approved wording:

 “The Commission is in the process of updating some of the content on this website in light of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. If the site contains content that does not yet reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom, it is unintentional and will be addressed.”

The links of the disclaimer pages will be:

  • For sites on the EC sub-domain, the URL will be
  • For sites on the EU domain, the URL will be