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Europa Support - Interactive Tools - Asset Manager: a replacement for the Staging Manager

Main text for August 2017

date:  05/07/2017

Asset Manager: a replacement for the Staging Manager

DG COMM and DIGIT are in the process of developing a replacement for the Staging Manager.

It will come with:

  • A brand new user interface.
  • New static servers for (acceptance.) and (acceptance.)
  • A new methods that permits servers to automatically upload and publish files.

Regarding the last point we are looking for stakeholders who depend on these methods in the current Staging Manager configuration.

If you manage or maintain an automated service that uploads files via FTP to a static webserver in acceptance and then performs a ".request.update" to publish those files in production, please reply to this email.

We will invite you to a technical meeting to explain the potential changes that will be required when the Asset Manager (replacement of the Staging Manager) is deployed to production in Q1 2020.