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Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Drupal 7 Core - Security Update

Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Newsletter

date:  18/01/2018

Drupal 7 Core - Security Update

We are informing you on the actions DIGIT SECURITY ASSURANCE took regarding the Drupal vulnerability mentioned in security advisories SA-CORE-2019-001 and SA-CORE-2019-002.
These security issues may lead to authenticated Internet users being able to perform remote code execution and compromise Drupal sites.

The Drupal Security team on the 16/01/2019 released a new Drupal core major release 7.63 that resolved these two critical security issues. Additionally, on the 17/01/2019 DIGIT.D1 upgraded all affected sites that are under their control to the patched Drupal core versions.

Please note that no further actions are required by the site owners.

If you have any questions, please contact