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Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Access management for Next Europa site CMS users

Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Access management for Next Europa site CMS users

date:  29/11/2016

Access management for Next Europa site CMS users

Dear colleagues,

Since 1 August 2017, the Next Europa service desk COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT (CEM), in DG COMM/Unit A5, has been in charge of granting access to the Next Europa site CMS.

To obtain access to the Next Europa site CMS, colleagues should complete the following steps:

  •          Content managers or DG coordinators request that CEM grants permission to a user.
  •          New users are offered a CMS training which they are required to attend–the CEM team can support requests.
  •          Once a new user has attended the mandatory training, CEM can grant draft viewer access to DRUPAL.

There are two ways to obtain access and a role:

  •          For Classes not yet included on the Editorial workflow, CEM grants access to the role.
  •          For Classes included in the Editorial workflow, the Content Manager of the Class grants access to the role.

Best regards,
The Next Europa IT Platform Team.