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Europa Support - Comm Europa Management - DG COMM satisfaction survey (Nov 2018) - Reminder - Action required by 14/11

Communication on the 'satisfaction survey' on all Commission-managed websites.

date:  21/06/2017

Action required by 14 November - Code snippet to insert for DG COMM satisfaction survey (Nov 2018)  

Thank you for your feedback regarding urls for the satisfaction survey. In scope are all urls of sites which:

  • are managed by the EC and enable users to complete one of the 77 ranked European Commission tasks (list on IPG) even if they are not hosted on “Europa”
  • are separate technical instances (even if they appear to be subsites).

This is the final list of sites for the satisfaction survey and the storyboard for the survey.
For those DGs/agencies who did not respond all sites are considered to be in scope. (to check this, filter column 'F' by “NO COMMENTS RECEIVED”).

For DGs/agencies who responded, we have reviewed your feedback and included comments on whether we agree/disagree and why. We have tried to contact as many colleagues as possible to discuss discrepancies.

Please would you:

The pop-up will be launched centrally in the week of 19 November.
Thank you for your cooperation!

Previous newsletters on the survey:
17 August
18 October
30 October