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Europa Support - Europa Search - ESSNEX Launch

DG COMM A5 would like to announce the launch of new Europa search service ESSNEX.

date:  01/08/2018

Dear user,

DG COMM A5 would like to announce the launch of the new Europa search service, ESS.

Over the last few months we have been working on improving the performance, ‘look and feel’ and functionalities of Europa search.

The new service is now available on brand new infrastructure at:

or, for the interinstitutional level:

It replaces the current ES system ( and which will be decommissioned on 27 August 2018. Until then, both systems will run in parallel.

We will contact you in the next couple of weeks to help you migrate before the deadline.

You will find more details in the attached release notes. These explain the migration plan, the improvements introduced by ESSNEX and indexation status. 

We would welcome your feedback on the new product, especially on the user interface, available functionalities and result relevancy.

If you have any comments, improvement ideas or issues to report, please contact COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT. All reported issues will be dealt with in the order of their assigned impact and priority level.

In the meantime, we would like to thank you for your time and help in making this service a better one for all our users.

Best regards,



New ESS release note 01082018....
(621 KB - PDF)
Source indexation status repor...
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Migration to new ESS timeline ...
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