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date:  21/12/2017

In this issue we highlight how to request translations using the DGT Connector, manually entering translations, linking to internal pages, how you make a press release appear on your page and the style tip of the month.

How to request translations using the DGT Connector, and how to manually enter translations 

Find out how to request and publish your translations on the info site using the DGT Connector. Also learn how to manually enter translations into the CMS.

Requesting and publishing translations, manually entering translations - detailed guidelines

Linking to internal pages

It is important to remember the format for linking to internal pages and linking to external pages because they need to be created differently. With external links the full URL needs to be added but using the same format for internal links has led to many broken links on the Commission site. 

In order to avoid this, linking to internal pages should be done using the node number. For example:

  • In free fields, e.g. for 'Related pages': node/1234
  • in body text: [node:1234:url]

So if you want to link to the page 'How priorities are set', then you either enter the link in the body text with the format [node:5816:url] or into a free field with the format node/5816. Don't enter the URL alias or the node URL

How to link to internal pages in free fields

How to link to internal pages in the rich text editor field

How to make a press release appear on your page

Press releases are automatically pulled into the CMS from the Rapid press release database. To add them to a page created with the page content type, search by title for the press release via the content tab (type 'announcement'). 

  • edit the announcement node
  • add the location
  • add the page it should appear on as a related page

How to make a press release appear on your page - detailed guidelines

Using folders to store files (media folders)

It is possible in the CMS to store files in folders. However, a structure for the media sub-folders is not yet in place in the CMS. Until it has been implemented, we kindly ask you to contact us if you need a new sub-folder:

Style tip of the month

Link labels

To write meaningful link labels keep them short and use keywords. Don't use generic labels such as click hereheremore or read more. It’s okay if your link label doesn't exactly match the title of the page you’re linking to – especially if the label is nice and short – as long as it describes the content clearly.


How to write meaningful link labels

Upcoming training sessions

General training, Drupal CMS updates, and Events training can be organised if there is sufficient interest.  

Sign up for the training

Instructions for content contributors

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