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Overview    News site maintenance 9 November 2017

NE core platform updates

date:  29/11/2016

Landing page and 3 levels of navigation will be published for Aid, development cooperation, fundamental rights thematic class


Site affected:

On Thursday 9 November 2017, the latest iteration of the Aid, development cooperation, fundamental rights class will be published on the /info site.

We will publish an updated landing page, and navigation down to level 3.

How will this affect your work?

  • CMS users may experience slowness while working on the site, due to the high number of nodes being published simultaneously.
  • If you use the content in this thematic classes, you will notice some restructuring of the top levels of navigation.
  • Some URLs will change due to the renaming of the class (formerly it was Aid, fundamental rights). Redirections will be in place to ensure that you can easily find the content you need. We invite you to update any bookmarks to take account of the new URLs.

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Best regards,
The DT Team.