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Quality assurance and deployment process - New versions of the StarterKit 2.2.x & QA-Automation 2.3.x

NE core platform updates

date:  29/11/2016

Dear Next Europa developers,

The NextEuropa platform introduces new versions of the starterkit and QA-Automation tools. This change simplifies the quality assurance and deployment process to offer you a better service.

Please read carefully all information on the process change and detailed technical information available in the NextEuropa Platform wiki page on Delivery and QA procedure.

Please already note that

  1. The feature checklist creation has been entirely removed from the QA process.
  2. Pull requests will not be reviewed if the repository is not up-to-date with the latest subsite-starterkit version.
  3. Feature requests have been replaced by documentation pages.
  4. These documentation pages will have to be gradually populated with links to Behat tests that cover your functionalities. (more information will follow).

Please let us know if you have any questions or remarks.

Best regards,
The Next Europa IT Platform Team.