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CWCM decommission – user access

As announced during 2016, the former corporate content management system, CWCM has been replaced by the new Next Europa Drupal platform and will be decommissioned on 28.02.2017.

date:  13/01/2016

Dear CWCMS users,

As announced during 2016, the former corporate content management system, CWCM has been replaced by the Next Europa Drupal platform and will be decommissioned on 28.02.2017. This decision has been taken for cost-efficiency reasons in line with Commission communication "Synergies and Efficiencies in the Commission - New Ways of Working" and with the Digital Transformation Programme.

The CWCM environment will no longer be accessible after this date. No updates can be made anymore via CWCM. All content in CWCM will be removed until the end of this month.

All content has been moved or deleted, in accordance with their respective owner DG's , however some pages may still be visible in HTML. The Staging manager tool remains available for updating your static website.

Should you have any question, contact COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT

Best regards,
The EUROPA team.


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