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Reminder: Removal of the Europa Analytics tool based on SAS

Reminder: Removal of the Europa Analytics tool based on SAS

date:  02/12/2016

Dear colleagues,


As previously and repeatedly announced, the SAS web analytics tool will be decommissioned end 2016.

The Europa Analytics server based on SAS will no longer be accessible after the 16 of January 2017.

It will not be possible to extract reports from the SAS Reporting tool after this date.

The KIOSK will still be available after this date

and a list of reports are being extracted and added to the ones already available by the end of January.

You can find here the list of added reports.


Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us using the functional mailbox COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT.

Best regards,
DG COMM A5/ IT Sector/ EA Team

European Commission
Directorate-General for Communication
Europa site – Technical sector

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