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CWCMS - Information about the discontinuity of web publication via the CWCMS last week

More information about the service interruption

date:  15/10/2015

Dear all,

You have most likely been impacted by the malfunctioning of the CWCMS. The system was significantly affected from Thursday, 22 September in the evening until Friday, 23 September at around 13:00 due to a technical problem with the database (ORACLE) at the Data Centre.

Operations, especially the regeneration processes, were significantly slowed down, almost stopped. This prevented the updates of online sites.

The problem was solved last Friday early in the afternoon. At around 15:00, the backlog (40 000 regenerations) was eliminated and the pending regenerations were processed.

During the incident, the sites were accessible to visitors in the version of their latest publication.

DG DIGIT intervened as soon as the problem was detected by restarting the processes which seemed implicated. After investigation, it appears that the database (ORACLE) used by the CWCMS was at the origin of the disruption. The CWCMS itself was fully operational but fell victim to the aforementioned technical incident.

Kind regards,
The EUROPA team.


European Commission
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