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Main text for August 2017

Main text for August 2017

date:  05/07/2017


Dear CMS user,

The digital transformation team is relaunching our newsletter for content contributors. The purpose of this newsletter is to regularly inform you about updates and new features, let you know about upcoming training and offer some guidelines on our CMS.

For this issue of the newsletter, we have guidelines for the new consultation content type, some information on how to update organisational charts, and a short explainer on how to properly link to files.

Update of the consultation content type

The consultation content type has been updated with new fields for files and results.

Latest guidelines for consultations

How to replace organisational charts

When you want to update the organisational chart on your department page it is important not to upload a new file, but to replace the old file. Otherwise the URL address to your chart will change and users with bookmarks will still see the old version. 

Guidelines on how to update an organisation chart

How to properly link to files on pages

We have noticed that several pages contain links to file nodes. Users are not actually supposed to see the individual file pages and website users will soon no longer be able to access these pages.

Here’s what you should do instead:

  • Most content types have a separate documents section where you can add files and publications. It is recommend to add files in this section.
  • If you need to add the file in the body text, add it as internal content and in teaser view
    • click on the “insert internal content” button
    • search for the file in the pop-up box
    • under “insert as…”, click on “Teaser”

Guidelines about how to put a file on a page

Linking to EUR-Lex

For all documents that are hosted on EUR-Lex, the following is recommended:

To link to a document that is on EUR-Lex

  • create a file node
  • instead of uploading a document, add the EUR-Lex url of the language selection page (not the PDF, but e.g. this page to the url field in the file node
  • in "Where do you want to link to?" , choose EUR-Lex
  • follow our file naming convention for the file node title, so that other CMS users can find it in the back-end 
  • publish and save
  • on the page where you want the document to appear, add the node to the section "Documents" or choose the option "insert internal content" in the free field (rich text editor) and insert the newly-created file as teaser