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Access management for users on the Back-office of the CMS of the Next Europa site

NE core platform updates

date:  29/11/2016


Dear colleagues,

As you may already know, Next Europa's new  content management system (CMS) is a Drupal-based platform that has been adopted for the Commission's new web presence.

As domain leader for external communication, DG COMM is in charge of coordinating technical support to ensure that Next Europa's presence is relevant, coherent and cost-effective.

As of 1 August 2017, the Next Europa service desk COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT, in DG COMM/Unit A5, will be in charge of granting back office access to CMS users of the Next Europa site.

From now on, should you or a colleague require user access to the back office of the Next Europa site, you are requested to contact COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT (

Thank you. 

Kind regards,
The Next Europa team