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Europa Web Guide - Access information on SharePoint

Europa Web Guide - Access information on SharePoint

date:  18/06/2024

Due to security reasons, it has been decided by DG COMM’s management to move a large part of the public content from the Europa Web Guide to the internal section on SharePoint Online: Europa Web Guide ( This transition is essential to ensure the safety of our information.

However, to maintain transparency, sections introducing the different topics remain publicly accessible.

Access Information

  • Commission Staff: Users with email addresses ending in or automatically have access to the content on SharePoint Online.
  • Other EU Institutions: Users from institutions outside the European Commission (e.g.,, etc) who require access to the Europa Web Guide content, can submit an access request through the designated SharePoint portal. They will be granted access upon request.

  • External contractors seeking information available in the internal section of the guide must contact the respective Unit with which they collaborate. An official staff member can retrieve and provide them with the requested content in Word/PDF format.

Responsibility for sharing content with Contractors

Please note that it is the responsibility of European Commission employees to retrieve and distribute Web Guide content they deem necessary for their contractors.