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Webtools - Move widgets and services to the cloud

Webtools - Move widgets and services to the cloud

date:  20/03/2024

Webtools widgets and services are moving to the cloud. This change is planned for Monday 15 April at 9:00 AM.

The migration implies a change in the URL of the Webtools endpoints: will become

To prevent any interruption of service, redirections will be set up on most of the Webtools endpoints. Only a short list of widgets and services will require specific actions from users as no redirections can be put in place for those.

If you use the Webtools endpoints listed in this Excel file on your websites and applications, pleaseĀ plan to update old references to these endpoints and replace them by the corresponding new ones into production. The update must happen at the exact time of the migration (see date and time above).

If you do not use any of the specific endpoints from the Excel file on your websites and applications, no action is expected from you.

After the migration, if ever you detect issues with your Webtools widgets and services, please report them via the Europa Web Communication form.