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New Default Feedback Form v2

New Default Feedback Form v2

date:  07/03/2024

Webtools now offers an updated form to help you gather better feedback from your visitors.

The new feedback form lets visitors give page ratings and provide textual comments:

  • Visitors can give quick feedback on any individual page using a 1 to 5 star rating.
  • For more detailed comments, visitors can provide textual feedback in four categories: information missing on page or site, wrong information on page, technical issue, or other.

Webtools' showcase lets you discover the Default Feedback Form v2.

Here is the complete documentation for the Default Feedback Form v2.

Here are the steps to use the DFF v2:

  1. How to request this service?
  2. If your website is built with the EWPP: The Webtools page default feedback form integration
  3. If your website is built with another technology: How to embed this widget on a web page?
  4. If you are using the Wform REST services with DFF v1, you might also want to adapt your code.

We encourage you to switch as soon as possible as Webtools will stop maintaining the old DFF v1 by end of September 2024.