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Update your department page with the 2023 management plan

Update your department page with the 2023 management plan

date:  02/06/2023

We would like to remind you that it is important to keep your department pages up-to-date as they help people understand what DGs do and are frequently visited. In January-May the department pages section received 1.15 million page views.

Department page maintenance is a shared responsibility and departments should keep them up-to-date for consistency, easy scanning, and improved search engine optimisation (SEO).

Plans and reports

2023 management plans are now online!  You can find them here.

Remember, although SG collects and uploads plans and reports on the Commission core site, it’s a DG’s or Executive Agency’s responsibility to manually update the links to plans and reports on their department page. This means you should add the link to your 2023 management plan on your department page as soon as possible (and correct any other outdated or missing links to plans and reports). Please remember to also update all language versions, if they exist. 

Not sure how to do this? Follow our step-by-step instructions in the wiki for the core site.

Organisation chart (and its publication date)

Please also make sure that the latest version of your department’s organisation chart is online, and that the date on the publication and the PDF document match. This can be updated in the ‘Publication date’ field of the document node, without having to create a new draft of the department page. You can read more about updating the organisation chart in the wiki.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at if you encounter any problems.

Thank you for your cooperation.