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Scheduled deployment of release 20 (UPDATE)

Scheduled deployment of release 20 (UPDATE)

date:  24/05/2023

A new version of the Europa Web Publishing Platform will be deployed between Monday 5 and Wednesday 7 June 2023.

The DGT-connector will be switched from Poetry to the new ePoetry web service. This means that existing translation requests will NOT be automatically migrated from Poetry to ePoetry. Please note as well that there cannot be any ongoing translation requests or any pending local translation during the deployment or they will be lost.

Therefore, please wait until the deployment of your site is finished before submitting any new translation requests. However, if the translation request is urgent, please indicate a deadline no later than Friday 26 May. In case a later deadline is needed, please contact both and (Demand Management unit, DGT).

Websites concerned by EWPP release 20 and their related deployment dates are listed in this pdf – If the timing is not convenient for your website, please contact as soon as possible.

Further information about EWPP release 20 can be found in the dedicated wiki page.

If you are working with a live or pre-production site, it will be impacted by this planned upgrade. Please note that:

  • On the date of deployment, your website will be unavailable to editors between 30 and 120 minutes.
  • A varnish cache is foreseen to keep the frontend online for visitors.
  • After the deployment, our team will run some manual checks. If any issues are detected, we will roll-back to the previous version.

EWPP release 20 has been already deployed in your acceptance environment; you can test the new features there.

If you detect any issues in acceptance before the release or in (pre-) production after your site has been updated, please report them to