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Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Scheduled deployment of version 1.16 based on Drupal 8

Europa Support - Europa Web Publishing Platform - Scheduled deployment of version 1.16 based on Drupal 8

date:  08/06/2018

Scheduled deployment of version 1.16 based on Drupal 8

A new version of the Europa Web Publishing Platform will be deployed on 16 December 2020.

If you are working with a live or pre-production site, it will be impacted by this planned upgrade.

  • Your website will be unavailable to editors and visitors for a few minutes.
  • After the deployment, our team will run some manual checks. If any issues are detected, we will rollback to the previous version. Please contact if you experience any issues after the deployment.
  • The EWPP Test environment has already been updated with the latest version of the platform, so you can try out the new features here. Should you have any problems accessing the site or detect any issues, please contact

You can find information on the changes in the release notes.

You can always find the latest news and the list of planned features and improvements here in the release 8 wiki page.