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Technical migration

Technical migration

date:  25/11/2020

Technical migration

DG COMM B3 would like to announce the replacement of the Europa Search backend service. It replaces all HPE/Microfocus components with a flexible cloud infrastructure based on Elastic search. Technical activities are now complete and the new infrastructure is live and available.

This infrastructure switch will happen Monday 30 November at 8.00 and will be fully transparent for you. The service is not expected to be unavailable. All current Europa Search implementations (global, restricted/local etc…) will continue working as usual.

Over the last few months we have been working on improving the performance of Europa search infrastructure as well improving the Europa Search APIs. Using the API instead of fetching data from your site with the Europa Search gives you the possibility to customise the importance of specific site sections or single pages. More information can be found here:

If you have any comments, improvement ideas or issues to report, please contact