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Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Security Hotfix: print module

Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform

date:  04/10/2018

Europa Support - Next Europa IT Platform - Security Hotfix: print module

Dear Next Europa/Multisite Drupal users,

On 3 October 2018, the Drupal community released a highly critical Security Advisory for the module print (versions lower than 7.x-2.1).
This module allows Remote Code Execution (RCE) under specific conditions. 
The affected module is present in the NextEuropa platform that could be used on your site in order to generate the PDF version of webpages.

DIGIT is working on a fix.

In the meantime, the criticality of the vulnerability forced them to intervene immediately on all sites by forcing the use of the “mPDF” library instead of the vulnerable ones for generating the PDF files.
This action might affect the functionality for some sites that have a specific configuration, the generation of PDF files could be broken until the fix is applied.

If you experience such a disruption, please inform as soon as possible.”

Best regards,
The Next Europa IT Platform Team.