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Hello everyone,

date:  02/02/2023

Hello everyone, 

We have had an action-packed start to 2023 with our first ‘hands-on’ eDelivery webinar and third OOTS Implementers’ Café on eID and the Projectathon registration process. These interactive events have provided useful information to the national teams working on implementing the Once-Only Technical System by December 2023.  

This year offers further installments in the Implementers’ Café series, which explore thematic topics related to the Once-Only Technical System. The Cafés also include practical information relating to the 2023 OOTS Projectathons – large-scale testing sessions that pave the way towards the ‘go-live’.   

If you are working on an implementation of the Once-Only Technical System, let us know how your work is going and we can include an article on its progress in this newsletter. Keep your eyes open for further editions of our interviews with national implementers, learning about what motivates them transforming the Single Market.  

Happy reading / bonne lecture / viel Spaß beim Lesen. 

The OOTS team