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Technical update #29

This month marked the successful release of EBSI v2.0.0-rc.13 on the Pre-Production environment. Highlights of this new release include:[...]

date:  30/06/2022

  • The new Verifiable Presentation Exchange Guidelines - DID Method V2 (learn more about it here);
  • The latest version of the Identity and Access management;
  • By early July, users can also expect the release of an updated version of the API catalogue, featuring a new design and user interface.

The team is also continuing to work in the release of the the above-mentioned DID method v2 and the updated Verifiable Credentials playbook. A webinar for wallet providers will take place in July to launch this new version. The elicitation of business requirements for the planned revocation service has started, we will keep you informed about the progress.

With the summer months coming up, the team is ensuring that progress will continue at a steady pace in order to reach the commitment for the production network launch. The set-up of tools needed to support procedures that node operators and the technical support team will use in production is ongoing.

We continuously encourage interested Node Operators to join the network by conducting technical support sessions and we will continue throughout the summer. Three node operators have already gone through these one on one sessions, and a fourth one is planned for the upcoming weeks.