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Technical update 24

date:  31/01/2022

In February 2022, the EBSI development team will release the EBSI version v2.0.0-rc.12 to the pre-production environment.

An important part of this release is the code for the Wallet Conformance Testing (WCT) service. Over the past couple of months, the team has been producing detailed test scenarios, API mocks and thorough documentation for this service. The EBSI team will soon release the WCT service to the public. This will allow wallet providers to test if their wallet(s) are conformant with EBSI's core services specifications.

Furthermore, the EBSI DevOps team has been testing the Besu validation mechanisms with Member States' nodes. The team has also been working on the core services (APIs) by upgrading them, along with the Verifiable Presentation and Verifiable Credential libraries. Finally, the team has also fine-tuned several sensitive security-related deliverables and procedures.