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EBSI highlights 24

date:  31/01/2022

2021 was the year full of preparation for what is coming next in 2022:

  • End of CEF, beginning of DIGITAL - The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) has come to an end after 7 years, paving the way for a new funding programme - the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). On this occassion, EBSI will soon reveal its new visual identity, including its new website and social media channels. Below you can find a sneak peak of the new EBSI logo!
  • Verifiable Credentials Playbook - Last year, the EBSI team published the Verifiable Credentials Playbook for the Early Adopters. It contains the full lifecycle of verifiable credentials and presentations. The EBSI team will soon make this document available to the public on the newly revamped website;
  • Identification of cross-border scenarios - In the framework of the Multi-University pilot, the Early Adopters have formed four different clusters with different use cases and identified cross-border scenarios. In Q1/Q2 2022, the EBSI team will organise a demo-day to showcase these cross-border scenarios to the public. The Early Adopters will demonstrate the production-readiness of EBSI by showcasing the exchange of credentials across borders;
  • WCT service - WCT is one of EBSI's core services. In 2021, eight wallets providers chosen by the Early Adopters have started the WCT processThis service will go live to the public in a few weeks. It will allow any wallet provider to ensure the conformance of their wallet(s) with EBSI specifications;