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Event 8

date:  27/04/2020

Please bear in mind that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the events may be rescheduled or cancelled:

  • 27 April 2020: The open market consultation - An event to participate in the open market consultation event for its upcoming European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP);
  • 6 May: EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum - Conclusion workshop - The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum project will conclude its first mandate during an online workshop. This will be the opportunity for participants to have a look at the achievements and, also at the priorities of the Observatory for the upcoming mandate;
  • 10 - 11 June 2020: 2nd EBP quarterly meeting of 2020 (EBP members restricted meeting);
  • 20 August 2020: Token Summit Liechtenstein 2020 - Organised by the Liechtenstein government, this event will allow participants to discuss the latest topics regarding blockchain-based tokens, protocols and crypto-assets with government officials, regulators, entrepreneurs, investors, lawyers, finance professionals and crypto-enthusiasts (in Vaduz, Liechtenstein).