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date:  21/02/2020

In this edition, we present how eTranslation uses state-of-the-art technology to help EU Council presidencies connect with stakeholders. You will find links to our updated eInvoicing Country factsheets and get a sneak peek at what was discussed in the recent European Blockchain Partnership meeting. Read all about the latest developments in how the Once Only Principle is bringing Europe's Single Digital Gateway to life, and be the first to now about our upcoming events and webinars.

We would also like to remind you that 28 February 2020 is the deadline to apply for the Digital Innovation Challenge! This challenge invites SMEs and startups to propose innovative services and solutions based on open and reusable CEF Building Blocks and ISA² solutions. The winner will be awarded a prize of €50 000, with the runner-up and third-place contestants getting €20 000 and €10 000 respectively.

As ever, it is your stories that really demonstrate how - together - we're interconnecting Europe's digital ecosystem. So let us know what you've been doing to connect Europe!

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital team