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What is this workshop about?

date:  15/01/2020

What is this workshop about?

After the tremendous success of our first CEF eArchiving workshop in December 2019, we are organising this second workshop exclusively for our colleagues working at the institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union. During the workshop you will be introduced to the CEF eArchiving Building Block. You will learn about the services it offers, discover concrete examples of its application and get an overview of how you can benefit from using CEF Archiving. 

This is a unique opportunity to learn how eArchiving can be used beyond traditional archiving tools and how to overcome the implementation challenges. You will discover how eArchiving ensures that access to data remains secure, predictable and why it is a cornerstone of the Digital Single Market. We will give you the opportunity to tell us what potential you foresee for eArchiving in your domain/sector during our interactive session. 

Please visit our dedicated page for our full workshop programme.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day.

The CEF eArchiving team

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