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Policy update

The 16 July 2019 political guidelines confirm the EU’s ambition to grasp the opportunities from the digital age, leading the way on next-generation “hyperscalers”, including major investments in blockchain. Distributed technologies permeate economic activities and public services at large. Their importance as a driver of growth in the EU's and global economy will likely continue to increase.

date:  18/09/2019

On 10 April 2018, the Commission, together with the Member States, created the European Blockchain Partnership. Its aim is to develop a trusted, secure and resilient European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, meeting the highest standards in terms of privacy, cybersecurity, interoperability, energy efficiency - fully compliant with the EU law.

The Commission will shortly launch a survey with the EBP Policy Group to identify the policy priorities in the field of blockchain and distributed ledger technology. This survey will help assess the status of digital assets that are issued and tradeable via blockchain networks (digital tokens), the validity and legal status of “Smart contracts” across the Digital Single Market, and the potential of blockchain to support EU-wide digital identity and online authentication solutions used by European citizens. The survey results will provide the basis for a discussion paper available for the next EBP Quarterly Meeting in Malaga (11-12 November 2019).