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date:  10/01/2019

Interested in the new CEF Building Block but still wondering how it works and how to implement it in the easiest way? The next few months will offer you opportunities to get to know better eArchiving:

Jan 22: Webinar - eArchiving specifications in focus 
This webinar will provide a brief introduction to the specifications, explain how they are managed and developed and how the community can use and contribute to them.

Feb 5: Ljubljana, Slovenia - eArchiving Specifications Review Workshop
To follow up on our work in the eArchiving CEF Building Block, the members of the EARK4ALL project are organising the workshop on the enhanced and stabilised eArchiving specifications first developed by the E-ARK project.

May 6-7: Ljubljana, Slovenia - eArchiving Geopreservation Conference
Two-day event that will bring together producers of geospatial information, archives, data repositories and solution providers.