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Hello everyone,

This edition brings you the latest news and events from the Once-Only Technical System project. You will learn about valuable development insights from Portugal, important updates on the Once-Only Technical System technical documentation, a new release of the catalogue of reusable services, upcoming events and more.  

Happy reading / bonne lecture / viel Spaß beim Lesen. 

The OOTS team 

News | Stay up to date with our latest news
Member State Interview: Once-Only Technical System Implementation – the Portuguese perspective

In February 2023, we spoke to Mr Jorge Sousa, Portuguese national coordinator for the European Single Digital Gateway, to gain first-hand insights into the implementation of the Once-Only Technical System in Portugal. 


Commission proposes more transparency and less red tape for companies to improve business environment in the EU (including Once-Only)

On 29 March 2023, the Commission adopted a proposal to cut red tape for cross-border businesses, saving around €‎437 million of administrative burden per year, thanks to an EU Company Certificate or the application of the “once-only principle”. 


Once-Only Technical System & EUDI Wallet Synergies and Interoperability Contact Group meets, March 2023

The Once-Only Technical System uses the current eIDAS network of notified national eIDs to simplify cross-border identification and authentication. In the future, the Once-Only system will also benefit from the European Digital Identity Wallet included in the on-going revision of eIDAS. 


Second version of the Once-Only Technical System catalogue of reusable services - available now

This catalogue captures services and solutions to support the implementation of the Once-Only Technical System. Amongst other improvements, this version contains a tab for Intermediary Platform Solutions. 


Update regarding Once-Only Technical System Technical Design Documents - Q1 2023 release

The Once-Only Technical System Technical Design Documents set out the technical and operational specifications of the system, based on Implementing Regulation ((EU) 2022/1463). The updates focus on user identification and authentication, common services, evidence exchange chapters, and on the related online repositories.


Once-Only and eDelivery presented during the International Data Spaces Symposium 2023 in the Hague

The Commission presented the Once-Only Technical System as a data space of European authentic data sources and offered insights into the great value of the eDelivery Building Block in this context.


Member States prepare for April OOTS Projectathon during March Single Digital Gateway group meeting

Members of the Single Digital Gateway coordination group met in Brussels. The agenda included the state of play of the implementation of the Once-Only Technical System – with an afternoon kick-off meeting dedicated specifically to the April 2023 OOTS Projectathon. 


Once-Only Operational Arrangements under review

Currently, the Commission is drafting the Once-Only Operational Arrangements, which are being reviewed by experts involved in the Operational Governance sub-group. The timely review of these arrangements by relevant national experts is crucial to stay in-line with the implementation deadlines. 


Events | Register to our upcoming event
DE4A (Digital Europe for All) Final Event, 12 April 2023

This event will provide a quick, easy-to-understand overview of the DE4A project's results and lessons learnt. DE4A has explored alternative solutions in the domains of once-only functionality and efficient e-government services in general and covered three pilots that fall within the scope of the SDG online procedures: studying abroad, doing business abroad and moving abroad. Registrations close on 7 April 2023. 


#1 OOTS Projectathon, 19-21 April 2023

This Projectathon is a crucial step in the development, testing and deployment into production of the Once-Only Technical System components. This is a closed event, but you can follow the highlights via the Once-Only Hub.


#5 Implementers’ Café, 5 May 2023

This online event will present the on-going work on the Once-Only Technical System Preview Space. It will also highlight key results & lessons learned from the April OOTS Projectathon and look at the road to the June OOTS Projectathon event


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