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Hello everyone,

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2021!

We hope you enjoy this edition of the bulletin. If you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe, just reply to this email and be featured in our next newsletter.

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
Survey for SMEs to help shape the future of eTranslation

This survey aims to find out how European SMEs would like eTranslation to expand its services, from anonymisation to Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools. The survey results will help build a picture of how eTranslation can grow in the future, and which specific use cases could help SMEs in their daily business.

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The Digital Innovation Challenge in a nutshell

This challenge identified some of the most exciting and innovate SMEs in Europe, helping them use the Building Blocks to develop new digital services for European governments, businesses and citizens. Interested in their journey? Check out the recap video of the whole challenge.

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The best of the CEF Building Blocks in 2020

Just in case you missed our Christmas edition, you can see the Building Block highlights for 2020. We look over some of the biggest success stories of the past year, demonstrating how, despite trying circumstances, the Building Blocks are continuing to connect Europe more than ever.

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Technical update
Old location of the eSignature List of Trusted Lists decommissioned

The old URL of the List of Trusted Lists is being permanently removed on 15 February 2021. We strongly encourage all relying parties to start using the new location as soon as possible.

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CEF eDelivery Domibus 4.2 released

We are happy to announce that the final release of the Domibus 4.2 sample implementation of the eDelivery AS4 Access Point was published on 17 December 2020. Domibus 4.2 brings extensive technical improvements and several new features.

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eArchiving in Action, 25, 27 & 28 January 2021

Register for 'eArchiving in Action', a three-day workshop to learn how eArchiving is enabling the long-term accessibility of information and its strategic reuse.

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European Digital Innovation Hubs GEARING UP conference, 26/01/2021

Join the “Towards cross-border Digital Innovation Hubs” session on how the CEF Building Blocks and ISA² solutions help drive digital transformation in the public sector.

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The e-ARK web user interface guide webinar, 25/02/2021

This eArchiving webinar on transforming the way you preserve data covers the implementation of e-ARK standards in e-ARK Web. It also explores topics like architecture for scalable information package processing and incremental archiving.

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European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) Conference, 10/03/2021

Save the date for the fifth ELRC Conference. The event will cover data quality, Digital Europe, anonymisation, language data crawling and translation quality estimation.

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