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In this week's newsletter, we look at how the CEF eArchiving Building Block is helping Italy digitally preserve historical documents for future generations. eArchiving's open-source software and specifications are helping Italy's Central State Archive (ACS) build a flexible, modular and future-proof system that can adapt over time to ensure the long-term preservation of its records as technology and software evolves.

Save the date for 'eArchiving in Action', a three-day workshop spanning the 25, 27 and 28 January 2021! At this workshop, data producers, solution providers and archiving professionals will learn all about how CEF eArchiving is helping solve the problem of long-term accessibility of information. eArchiving experts will provide key insights through case studies, interviews and presentations.

The CEF eSignature Digital Signature Services (DSS) webinar, 'Introduction and best practices', on 9 December 2020 is a must for those interested in creating and validating electronic signatures with the DSS library.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email and be featured in our next newsletter.

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
eArchiving lends a hand in the digital preservation of Italy's historical documents

Italy's Central State Archive (ACS) used open specifications from the eArchiving Building Block to build a national digital platform for housing the country's most important documents, preserving this precious cultural heritage for future generations.

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CEF Building Blocks to realise EU Data Governance Act

In November 2020, the European Commission proposed a Data Governance Act to encourage the reuse of public open data and increase trust in data sharing across the EU. The Building Blocks help realise a pan-European, harmonised approach to data governance that works for public administrations, businesses and citizens.

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Funding deadline for EU Student eCard proposals extended till 1 January 2021

Apply for funding to contribute to the EU Student eCard Digital Service Infrastructure. This initiative aims to remove administrative obstacles from the lives of students all over Europe by making their student status automatically recognisable through their national electronic identity.

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EU blockchain call for tenders launched

The Commission has launched a call for tenders for the EU Blockchain pre-commercial procurement (PCP) in cooperation with the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP). This call aims to develop new technical capabilities for the future version of EBSI that can support various novel use cases for cross-border public services. The deadline is 28 January 2021.

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Smart Cities: We have the tools you need

Optimised data management and analysis can empower cities to become truly smart in their operations, helping them make better, more efficient and sustainable choices for tomorrow. Find out how the CEF Context Broker, Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) and eArchiving Building Blocks can help your city make the most of its data.

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Technical update
New Domibus software for CEF eDelivery will require system updates

The Commission is planning a new release of the sample software for the eDelivery AS4 message exchange protocol (Domibus 5.0) for December 2021. Users with plugins from before Domibus 5.0 or with a standard WS plugin will need to make updates to be compatible with the new release.

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CEF eSignature Digital Signature Services (DSS): Introduction and best practices, 09/12

This webinar will explore the difference between validating electronic signatures made with ETSI standardised signature formats and validating a qualified status. You will also discover how digital signature creation and validation works in the framework of the DSS, an open-source software library for electronic signature creation, with a live coding session to support you on your journey.

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eArchiving in Action, 25, 27 & 28 January 2021

Save the date for 'eArchiving in Action', a three-day workshop spanning the 25, 27 and 28 January 2021. Data producers, archive professionals and solution providers will learn how eArchiving is helping tackle the issues of long-term accessibility of information through use cases, interviews and presentations from eArchiving experts.

Register here

The e-ARK web user interface guide webinar, 25/02/2021

This eArchiving webinar on transforming the way you preserve data will cover the implementation of e-ARK standards in e-ARK Web, as well as exploring other advanced topics like architecture for scalable information package processing and incremental archiving.

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