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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Block Bulletin.

We are happy to announce the launch of brand new versions of all the Building Blocks pages on our website. They now have a fresher look, with interactive maps, more relevant content and tailored user-journeys depending on your specific needs. Check out the eSignature page to see an example!

In this week's newsletter, we look at how the Swedish Customs authorities are using the eArchiving Building Block to preserve their records over the long-term in a secure, cost-effective way. And finally, as the Digital Innovation Challenge nears its conclusion, you can now hear the three finalists speak in depth about their unique Building Block projects.

You can help shape the future of eInvoicing by sharing your experience of private sector onboarding in an online consultation prior to the eInvoicing Open Session on 24 November. The second group of eArchiving specifications and supporting guidelines is now also open for review.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email and be featured in our next newsletter.

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
eArchiving helps Swedish Customs preserve their records

The CEF eArchiving Building Block provides Swedish Customs officials with a cost-effective, long-term solution for digitally recording all of their data, from custom duties to records of international traffic.

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The Once Only Initiative - a stepping stone to Europe's recovery

As more and more public services move online in response to the pandemic, the Once Only Principle will ensure citizens only have to share their data once to access various online cross-border public services, making life easier for everybody in the 'new normal'.

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The Digital Innovation Challenge finalists showcase brand new digital services

The three finalists of the Digital Innovation Challenge, Open Content, CleverBooks and Latitudo40, talks us through their platforms, based on CEF Building Blocks and ISA² solutions, which can bring unique digital public services to EU citizens. Recordings are now live.

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CEF eTranslation now includes Turkish!

Along with the update of a large number of eTranslation's engines in October, it now also includes high-quality machine translations to and from Turkish.

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eTranslation makes the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform available in 25 languages

CEF eTranslation's high-quality machine translation tool is integrated into the ODR platform, meaning consumers around Europe can settle online disputes with providers in up to 26 different languages.

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Technical update
Further eArchiving specifications and guidelines released for review

The review of the second group of eArchiving specifications and supporting guidelines is now open. The review closes on 17 January 2021.

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Piloting with EBSI: Roadmap your pilot, 19/11

This online event contains a webinar going through the EBSI pilot roadmap in detail, and a workshop giving practical advice to those launching an EBSI pilot on student diplomas. You can find out if you're eligible for one or both sessions in the registration form.

Register here

Online eInvoicing consultation for Open Session on SMEs and private sector onboarding, 24/11

In preparation for the eInvoicing Open Session on 24 November, we urge you to share your projects, concrete actions and practical use cases related to onboarding in your country.

Contribute here

The Context Broker and BDTI - Joint Webinar, 24/11

This webinar will sum up what both the CEF Context Broker and Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) Building Blocks can do, explore their synergies in helping create 'smart cities' and go through recent success stories.

Register here

The e-ARK web user interface guide, 26/11

Join the eighth and final webinar in the eArchiving webinar series on transforming the way you preserve data! This webinar will cover the implementation of e-ARK standards in e-ARK Web, as well as exploring other advanced topics like architecture for scalable information package processing and incremental archiving.

Register here

CEF eSignature webinar for Higher Education Institutions, 02/12

Learn how the digitalisation of administrative processes can make operations easier, faster and more secure.

Register here

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