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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

We now have the three finalists of the Digital Innovation Challenge! Out of all the excellent ideas and impassioned pitches, three of them stood out especially, becoming the Digital Innovation Challenge finalists – but it’s not over yet! We will announce which of these three finalists has won first (€50,000), second (€20,000), and third (€10,000) prize at the award Ceremony taking place during the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit event in November.

In this edition you can also learn exactly how cross-border eID will make your life easier. We will look at how you can launch a public sector blockchain pilot with EBSI and see the value of machine translation in action! We also have new releases from eID, eInvoicing and eDelivery, plus a number of webinars and other (online) events.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email and be featured in our next newsletter.

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
Digital Innovation Challenge - we have our three finalists!

The 10 shortlisted candidates refined their ideas with experts and finally got to pitch them on (a virtual) stage. Stay tuned to see who comes first, second and third place out of our finalists in November!

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What can eID do for you?

How can authenticating yourself in another EU country with your national electronic ID make your life easier? We walk you through examples like getting a drivers licence, applying for a pension, sorting out your social security, managing your residency and applying for university.

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Piloting with EBSI explained: benefit from Europe's blockchain infrastructure

This learning package features a set of five, friendly, funny and unmissable video tutorials, a toolkit, and a series of webinars designed for public administrations that will guide you through the piloting journey.

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CEF eTranslation: EU Council Presidency Translator Disrupts Language Technology Landscape

Romania, Finland and Croatia, the recently concluded Trio Presidency of the Council, see their experience with EU Council Presidency Translator as a successful proof of concept to further explore the capabilities of language technologies.

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Technical update
Pre-Release of CEF eIDAS-Node software v2.5

This pre-release is an all-in-one package for the Java platform. It is based on version 1.2 of the eIDAS technical specifications. The pre-release has been provided in order to validate the implementation of the Technical Specifications 1.2.

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CEF eInvoicing VATEX and validation artefact update, Autumn 2020

This release is scheduled to become effective on 15 November 2020. We provide a Registry of supporting technical resources (validation artefacts, code lists, etc.) to implement the European standard on eInvoicing.

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CEF eDelivery: Domibus 4.2 RC1 - available now

Domibus 4.2 is a major release bringing extensive technical improvements and several new features. We strongly encourage all interested parties to test this release candidate and report any issues found as soon as possible.

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CEF eDelivery: Domibus 4.1.5 bugfix release - available now

Domibus 4.1.5 is a minor bugfix release, also including security fixes. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version

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European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, 13-14/10

Several sessions this year will look at how the CEF Building Blocks are transforming Europe's regions and cities. Join Digital for cities (13/10); My Multilingual Services - powered by AI (13/10) and How can regions boost digital services? (14/10).

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2nd CEF eTranslation Conference: Tools and Services for a Multilingual Europe, 14/10

This virtual conference will explore the topic "Tools and Services for a Multilingual Europe", showcasing smart eTranslation applications and the latest tools for enabling multilingualism.

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CEF blockchain webinar series: design your pilot, 22/10

See how to identify participants, model the pilot scenario, map the EBSI APIs you need and check the pre-requisites to be able to run your pilot.

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CEF eInvoicing webinar #14: eInvoicing automation in eProcurement, 22/10

Meet CEF experts who will share their practical knowledge about eInvoicing automation in eProcurement based on their experiences from various Member States.

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CEF eArchiving webinar #7: Introduction to compliance and validation, 29/10

Learn about the role that E-ARK information package validation plays in the digital archiving life-cycle and how to use the E-ARK validation tools in your organisation.

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