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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

Over €10 million in grants is available to support projects wishing to reuse the CEF Building Blocks and the deadline for applications, 25 June 2020, is fast approaching! This call offers support for eTranslation (€4 million), Blockchain (€3 million), eDelivery (€0.9 million) and eID & eSignature (€3 million), helping innovative digital projects to get off the ground and connect Europe.

This funding supports innovative digital projects and interconnects Europe. Croatian authorities adopted the CEF eID Building Block to open up digital public services to citizens from all over Europe. From accessing land records to buying a vignette for a boat, EU and EEA citizens can now conveniently access Croatian public services online.

The European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) has just voted on three new use cases for the next iteration of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI), and the CEF eTranslation tool's engines have been updated. In addition, we have upcoming webinars on Context Broker & BDTI and eArchiving.

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The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
Croatia modernises, simplifies and opens access to public services with CEF eID

Thanks to CEF eID, Europeans can now use their own national eID schemes and means to securely and conveniently access a variety of Croatian public services, bringing Europe one step closer to the Digital Single Market.

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The Future of eInvoicing

Over 120 people joined this week's open session on the future of eInvoicing policy. The slides and recording are now online and you can visit the eInvoicing User Community to join the discussion.

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Three new use cases for the next iteration of the CEF European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)

The European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) has voted on three new cases for the next iteration of EBSI: SME Financing, European Social Security Identification Number and Asylum Process Management.

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Over €10 million available to deploy CEF Building Blocks

This call offers support for projects implementing the eTranslation (€4 million), Blockchain (€3 million), eDelivery (€0.9 million) and eID & eSignature (€3 million) Building Blocks. The deadline for submissions is 25 June 2020!

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Recording and slides published from the latest CEF eArchiving webinar on the digital preservation service process

Don't worry if you missed the fourth CEF eArchiving webinar on the digital preservation service process! A recording and slides from the webinar are online.

Recording here

Technical update
CEF eTranslation engines upgrade 3.5

The European Commission has updated the machine translation engines of the CEF eTranslation Building Block, making patches and adding new functionalities. This tool is freely available to European startups and SMEs. Small businesses can now translate text snippets or even formatted documents in an easy, free and secure way in all 24 official EU languages, and more!

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CEF BDTI webinar on how public administrations can further use their data, 18/06

This webinar will explore how public administrations can further use BDTI to take their use of big data to the next level.

Register here

CEF eArchiving webinar on RODA – an end-to-end solution for digital preservation, 25/06

This webinar will explore RODA, an end-to-end digital repository solution based on open specifications from the CEF eArchiving Building Block.

Register here

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