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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

As countries around Europe hesitantly start to soften lockdown measures, everyone at the CEF team hopes you and your families remain well and safe. Take a look at our dedicated COVID-19 campaign for more detailed information on how our free, innovative digital solutions can be used to combat the effects of the virus.

This week, we look at how the Spanish city of Cartagena is using Context Broker for real-time, data-driven insights to curb water usage and air pollution, helping meet the EU's ambitious 20-20-20 climate and energy goals.

As of June 2020, the CEF eSignature team will be calling on interested Trusted List Scheme Operators (TLSOs) to participate in a project to remove non-conformant trust services from Trusted Lists. In addition, we have upcoming webinars on Context Broker and eArchiving.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email!

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
Cartagena is on track to meet EU climate and energy targets with CEF Context Broker

Since Cartagena adopted Context Broker, the city has seen a 40% reduction in water consumption and a decrease of 25% in the use of irrigation water, while the city’s green areas have flourished.

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European Commission customs & taxation department chooses eDelivery for its Import Control System (ICS2)

DG TAXUD's ICS2 will use eDelivery to provide a single, harmonised trader interface (STI) with customs authorities. The system is expected to generate over 1.5 billion exchanges per year and will be extensively used by economic operators bringing goods to the EU.

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Europe's Digital Innovation Challenge discussed on the Breaking Banks Europe podcast

Guests from the European Commission discussed the Digital Innovation Challenge and how reusable, standards-based solutions - like the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks - make that happen.

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Report on embracing mobile identity for eGovernment

This report provides recommendations on how EU national governments and administrations can allow citizens to identity themselves with their mobile to access public services, in their own country and across borders.

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Technical update
CEF eInvoicing: EAS Code List Updated, May 2020

The European Commission has released an update to the Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code lists managed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

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CEF eSignature Team to start Trusted List Conformance Boosting Campaign, June 2020

This campaign aims at reducing the number of non-conformant trust services present in the Trusted Lists. Interested Trusted List Scheme Operators (TLSOs) can get in touch with us to participate. 

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CEF Context Broker Technical Enablers webinar, 04/06

This webinar will help you better understand data visualization and how to integrate the CEF BDTI Building Block and the European Data Portal.

Registrer here

CEF BDTI webinar on how public administrations can further use their data, 18/06

This webinar will explore how public administrations can further use BDTI to take their use of big data to the next level.

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CEF eArchiving webinar on RODA – an end-to-end solution for digital preservation, 25/06

This webinar will explore RODA, an end-to-end digital repository solution based on open-source technology.

Register here

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