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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

On 9 May, Europe Day reminded us now more than ever of the importance of solidarity and cooperation, which are at the heart of our Union.

In this edition, as countries, regions and cities across Europe reach out to those in need, we look at the important role digital infrastructure can play during this unprecedented crisis.

Our latest Success Story looks at how Belgium's mobile eID scheme has been notified as eIDAS-compliant, giving Belgians easy access to online services all over Europe.

Once more, we remind all readers that the submission deadline for the current CEF call for proposals for eID & eSignature (€3m), eTranslation (€4m), eDelivery (€0.9m) and Blockchain (€3m) has been extended until 25 June 2020.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email!

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
Ready-to-use digital solutions in the fight against COVID-19

Our new dedicated page shows how each CEF Building Block can help you combat the virus or ensure your business processes can run seamlessly online.

Fight the virus

Belgium's mobile eID is all you need to access online services

The eID scheme has been notified and can now connect to the eIDAS network, enabling it to be used interchangeably with other notified eID schemes all across Europe.

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CEF BDTI helps the European Blood Alliance investigate COVID-19 convalescent plasma therapy

BDTI helps the European Blood Alliance and DG SANTE gather and analyse data to develop safe, effective and data-driven approaches to convalescent plasma therapy.

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€3 million available in CEF funding for cross-border eID & eSignatures!

Both eID and eSignature are crucial in allowing citizens and businesses to operate securely in the digital world and build trust in online interactions across borders, supported by CEF funding.

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Europe Day 2020 - #StrongerTogether

On the 70th anniversay of the Schuman Declaration, we consider how digital infrastructure can facilitate the solidarity and cooperation at the heart of our Union, during the current crisis and beyond it.

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10 candidates shortlisted for the next stage of the Digital Innovation Challenge

The journey will continue for these ten shortlisted candidates in a co-creation bootcamp, where they will pitch their ideas and work with coaches to refine their solutions.

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Technical update
CEF eArchiving: Webinar Introduction to ESSArch, slides and Q&A published

Don't worry if you missed the last eArchiving webinar on ESSArch, the open source-based solution for long-term preservation of digital information! A recording of the webinar is published on CEF Digital.

View the recording here


CEF eArchiving webinar on digital preservation service process, 21/05

This webinar will explore the service element of digital preservation focusing on the dynamics and communication between Repository Owners and Operations Managers.

Register here

CEF Context Broker Technical Enablers webinar, 04/06

This webinar will help you better understand data visualization and how to integrate the CEF BDTI Building Block and the European Data Portal.

Registrer here

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