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Welcome to the latest edition of the CEF Building Blocks Bulletin.

The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) has extended the submission deadline for the current CEF call for proposals until 25 June 2020. Over €10 million is available for the CEF Building Blocks. This call offers support for eTranslation (€4 million), Blockchain (€3 million), eDelivery (€0.9 million) and eID & eSignature (€3 million).

This week we look at how the CEF Context Broker and Big Data Test Infrastructure Building Blocks are helping public authorities use data as a strategic asset to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These solutions are open and free to everyone. If you are unsure where to start, just reply to this email and our teams are ready to help.

We also look at how the CEF Building Blocks help Europe's Digital Innovation Hubs build Smart Cities. We also have several upcoming webinars.

Do you have a story to tell us about how you are Connecting Europe? Just reply to this email!

Kind regards,

The CEF Digital team

Success Stories / Policy
CEF Context Broker helps turn data into action plans to fight COVID-19

CEF Context Broker provides the technical capabilities needed to turn widely collected data into real-time patient tracking, contagion maps and predictive analyses.

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CEF BDTI allows use of scientific clinical evidence against COVID-19 in Valencia

BDTI will support Spanish authorities by collecting and analysing raw business data from a COVID-19 dataset to support clinical practice and management process.

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Building shared consensus on data - €3million in CEF grants for Blockchain

CEF funding will establish an EU Blockchain infrastructure open to public services, putting citizens back in control of how their own data is used and increasing public sector transparency.

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€900k in CEF grant funding for secure data exchange via eDelivery

As more and more public administrations and businesses rely on the digital exchange of data and documents for their administrative activities, these exchanges need to be reliable, affordable and secure.

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CEF Building Blocks: Enabling Europe's Digital Innovation Hubs to build Smart Cities

During this webinar, the Commission explained how the CEF Building Blocks make Smart Cities a reality.

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CEF eArchiving Webinar on digital preservation service process, 21/05

This webinar will explore the service element of digital preservation focusing on the dynamics and communication between Repository Owners and Operations Managers.

Register here

CEF Context Broker webinar on technical enablers, 04/06

This webinar will help you better understand data visualization and how to integrate the CEF BDTI Building Block and the European Data Portal.

Registrer here

Recording: 2020-1 CEF Telecom call Virtual Info Day

Don't panic if you missed INEA's virtual info day on the current CEF call for proposals. The videos are online. N.B. INEA has extended the submission deadline for the current CEF call until 25 June 2020.

View the recordings

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